Saturday, October 8, 2011

A Year in Review

Its hard to believe that we have been out on the east coast for a year already. Seriously, where does the time go? A lot has happened in that year so I thought I would put together this little recap of what the past year has been like for us. So here we go...  Are you ready? It is a wild ride!

We started out the year by packing up all our stuff and loading it onto a really big moving truck. Yes, that thing was huuuuuge!

And we proceeded to drive across country with my in-laws to arrive at our temporary housing which looked a little something like this...

I am not even sure why I have this picture, but our apartment was on the first floor in the corner of this picture. You can even see the red of the moving van parked out front on the day it arrived.

It was here that I also sent my baby off to kindergarden. I won't go into details about how I sobbed like a baby kept my cool when I dropped her off the first day or putting her on the bus for the first time. But she was more than ready and couldn't wait to get on that big yellow bus.

(this picture was taken on her actual first day of kindergarden... which meant that I dropped her off at school. I was too much of a wimp to put her on the bus the first day. Don't ask me why Reese was so upset, I have no clue)

(and here she is all ready to go on the second day!)

It was also here that I cooked my very first Thanksgiving turkey. Just for the four of us. To be honest, I am not even sure how I was able to avoid this feat in the past, probably because we were always on the road for Thanksgiving, at least that is the excuse I am going with. That turkey weighed approximately 10lbs. Just a baby and delicious non-the-less, at least for my first turkey.

We had several visitors in the short time that we were there including my mom and uncle, and the in-laws came back out again for Christmas. Although Christmas was pretty low key since all of our decorations were in storage. In fact we didn't even have a tree. That was until our wonderful friends from back home took pitty on us and ordered us a mini tree that you can see in the background.

(The glass of wine on the counter was mine. I needed it after spending a week with my in-laws in such close quarters... Ha! Only kidding... Seriously, I have the best in-laws)

Fast forward to February when we purchased our home.  What a feeling to finally be out of that apartment and to have some space to spread out. 

This is what the house looked like on the day we closed. Apparently out here this is a lot of snow. Its more of a dusting if you ask me. But nobody does...  And it disappeared two days later. Anyways, the girls finally have their own bedrooms and of course they picked the ones farthest away from each other. Go figure! I honestly thought that they would have a hard time but they did great. After going through so much change they never cease to amaze me. 

So I think I will end it here as we are only half way through the year and this post is long enough for one day.  So stay tuned for the next half!

To be continued....

1 comment:

Shane said...

I LOVE YOUR HOUSE. It's so nice and just the way a house should be.

You've definitely had a busy year! Looking forward to part two.