Saturday, October 22, 2011

Christmas on the Brain...

Ugh! Seriously what is wrong with me? It all started last night in casual conversation with the hubby about where we would put our Christmas tree this year. And this morning all I could think about was Christmas decorations and trimming the tree and listening to Christmas carols, etc. etc. etc...  Do I need to remind you that it is not even Halloween yet? If I continue on this way it is going to be one looooong winter. Sigh!

And it doesn't help any when I stare at pretty magazine photos that look like this...

Engravable Simple Stocking Holder

What is a girl to do? And do I even need to mention that there is only 64 days till Christmas? Well at 
least it makes me feel like I am not completely jumping the gun.  Now if I can only start shopping for those presents... 

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