Thursday, April 21, 2011

Easter Ponderings

Easter is almost upon us and I can hardly wait. There are several reasons why I love this time of year. The days are getting warmer and sun is shining more often. The flowers are starting to bud and the dreaded blah of winter is slowly disappearing. The grass is greening, my allergies are flaring, the kids are running outside, and the grill has been cleaned and is ready for the first barbecue of the season.

But for me, the reasons I love Easter is so much more than just the changing of the season. When I was younger I never imagined myself being married to a pastor. Now don't get me wrong, growing up I was raised in a family that went to church every Sunday. I sang in the children's choir all throughout elementary school and was actively involved in their youth program in high school. But I will admit it, I never really understood why. Sometimes I felt as if I was just going through the motions because that was what you were supposed to do.

And then I met my husband. As a freshman in college, meeting new people and wanting to experience all that college has to offer, I had never imagined that the boy I would run into on my way to class on that very first day would become the man that would change my life. And to be perfectly honest, I would be kidding myself if I told you that I didn't have any doubts when he told me wanted to be a pastor. But he was cute and I couldn't resist his charm so after a little prodding on his part, I finally agreed to go on a date. And the rest is history.

I was able to see him go through seminary, watch him go from a rookie pastor to an amazing preacher, seeing the passion in his eyes when he is at the front of the church, watching him shine on Sunday mornings. And yet I am also blessed in that I get to see the other side of him too.  I get to see the human side of him. I see a wonderful husband who loves his wife and a father who dotes on his girls every move. And it is this regular guy that has taught me something. He has taught me that faith is not about the church or who sits in the front row. Faith is about the everyday. Faith is the kiss goodnight after my girls say their prayers. Faith is in the rebirth that spring brings. Faith is in the resurrection.

Which brings me back to the reasons why I love Easter. As emotional as the resurrection story is, I love the necessity of it all. I am excited and anxious for the Good Friday service, for the sorrow and the emotion that it brings knowing that on Sunday it will all be completely washed away. For those who know me, know my faith is very simple. I don't understand it all nor do I want to. But I do know this...

For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his.
Romans 6:5 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sweet Reese

This is Reese. She is the youngest in our little hive and I often refer to her as my baby. Although she is quick to correct me and tell me that she is a big girl!

She is the most amazing little girl who stole my heart from day one. From her stunning blue eyes to her crazy hair she was the most beautiful baby in the entire hospital. You think I am kidding about the hair. The proof is in the pudding er, photos!

The beginnings of the poof!

Can I get some hairspray?

Move over Snooki! You have nothing on my poof! I invented the poof!

She is no longer the baby in the pics above but instead she is turning into the most beautiful little girl. Her innocence, her fearlessness, her free spirit, are all qualities about her that I cherish. She adores her older sister and looks up to her for almost everything. She is curious about how the world works and is always finding something to explore. She loves her barbies, her American Girl doll, singing and dancing. And she always has to say her special prayer every night at the dinner table before we eat.

She is her daddy's girl, never leaving her father's side. I love to see the two of them together, her excitement every time her daddy comes into the room. The way she watches him on Sunday mornings, right by his side as he passes out communion, pretending to do the same.

Reesie, I am so proud to have been given the opportunity to be your mother.  You inspire me everyday and I am forever blessed to have you in my life. I believe that God has a plan for you far greater than I can ever imagine. Listen to his word and you will go far knowing you have full love and support from your mama!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Got Raw Milk?

I have been thinking a lot lately about the kinds of food we are eating. I think it probably started when Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution aired on TV. Although I didn't watch the entire season, I was intrigued by the idea and from then on decided that my kids would bring their lunch to school. And then we moved out here and my daughter was put in a kindergarden class with other kids that had severe food allergies and we were very restricted as to what we could pack in her lunch. Very frustrating to say the least. Then the worst blow came when my mother was diagnosed with diabetes. Yes, I know it is a very manageable disease but it came out of no where and I think the whole family was taken aback. And now we are all forced to take a closer look at what we eat.

I found an awesome blogger, Jo-Lynn from Musing of a Housewife who thru reading her posts has introduced me to the idea of eating whole foods. No, I am not suggesting that we only buy organic food, but I have to start somewhere. I immediately decided to give up the skim milk and start drinking pasturized organic whole milk. Why? Because it was an easy switch. It took a few days but now my kids and hubby don't even notice a difference. In fact they really like it. The key is to find milk that is pasturized, not ultra-pasturized. Click here to find out why. And trying to find anything in your grocery store that is not ultra-pasturized is like finding a needle in a hay stack. Unless of course, you shop at Whole Foods but my budget doesn't allow that on a daily or even weekly basis.

But the more I read, the more curious I am about the benefits of raw milk. Trust me, it has taken me 6 months to even consider the idea. Now I am not about to get all preachy and start explaining the pros and cons of drinking raw milk. (I will save that for my husband). But I am curious and it can't hurt to try it.  I did find a local farmer who makes good clean, raw milk and I am thinking about taking my girls up there today to purchase a gallon.  I guess we will see how it goes.

And if you are curious, no, I am not about to give up my diet coke anytime soon. Baby steps people, baby steps.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Public Service Announcement

I interrupt your regular schedule programming to apologize for not posting like I should. So far my new year's resolution to blog regularly is a big fat fail. If it makes you feel any better, I have at least 5 different posts just sitting in limbo because they aren't ready yet. And since we bought our new computer I can't figure out how to upload pics from iphoto. Thus the pictureless posts lately. (Any Mac users out there who want to volunteer some advice on how to do this I would be forever grateful).

So I send out this pubic service announcement to apologize for my lack of posts. Trust me, we have been busy and there is no shortage of material. Once I figure out my small photo problem, I hope to get back to more of a routine. Please be patient. I am not a Mac user at heart, but I hope to eventually figure this thing out one way or another.